WebEVM | Faster, Simpler, Intelligent EVMS

Earned Value Management

Enterprise Automation

WebEVM | Faster, Simpler, Intelligent EVMS

Whether it’s a year or 10 years’ worth of accounting and project management data for a single project or multiple projects across the enterprise, WebEVM runs complete projects in minutes – not hours or days. Spend less time gathering and dealing with data turbulence and more time analyzing information across more projects managed and scheduled out for months, years or decades.

Now EVM professionals can manage a consistent flow of data from multiple sources with ease.

Our EVM Solution Suite

WebEVM provides a truly focused Earned Value Management solution set to address real world working challenges and business processes through the leveraging of technology to improve the entire Earned Value Lifecycle Management. Designed by EVM professionals for EVM professionals, WebEVM provides flexible deployment On premise or in the Cloud.

WebEVM Features

  • Enterprise Scalability
  • Seamless P6/MSO Project Integration
    • WBS
    • Alternate Structures
    • Time Phased Resource Information
    • Project Status
  • Rates and Summarizes Enterprise Data in Minutes
  • Automate any of WebEVM’s Functionality

How It Works

WebEVM is a comprehensive EVM solution that easily converts external data into a complete dataset for Earned Value professionals through seamless, Open Integration of your existing accounting and project management software. Fast deployment in a secure private cloud, enterprise or hybrid environments reduces costs and allows faster and easier compliance with EVM requirements.

Integration & Collaboration

The key to WebEVM’s Earned Value benefits is the integration of accurate information and seamlessly connecting it to the right people at the right time. This leads to improved business results from a single source of structured and managed Earned Value data, assuring everyone is looking at the same information. Our platform simplifies and encourages strong collaboration between employees, customers, and contractors across the enterprise.